
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ceramic Vs. Metal Plates

There's no telling when a fire fight might break out, and being prepared is what will give you the advantage and the ability to go home that night. The best course of action is to avoid getting shot, but should that happen, you want to be wearing some body armor. It comes down to 2 choices, ceramic or metal plates.

Ceramic plates are the most common form of armor you will see. These plates can offer you level 4 protection at a fraction of the weight of their metal counterparts. This is a big benefit when you might have to be humping into your destination with a ruck and other gear. If a fire fight does erupt, they allow for you to be much more maneuverable. The downside to these is that they shatter should they get hit, sometimes even if they are dropped on the floor. That being said, they will take a round or two but after that you are vulnerable. Also, they are bulky which means that it could cause some gear issues if you are not use to it.

Metal plates are the exact opposite in almost every way. They are slim, but heavy and harder to maneuver in. The primary benefit to these plates is that if you are getting lit up, which is not desirable or recommended, they will be able to take multiple rounds depending on the caliber. The drawback to these, however, is that should you get hit, the round can potentially fragment and shoot up to your face or lower extremities causing damage or possibly death.

The best course of action is to not get hit, but should that happen, you want to have the right equipment to get you out of that situation in one piece. Given the choice, I will always choose ceramic plates over metal. My intentions are not to get hit, therefore I don't need a heavy metal plate that can take a lot of rounds. I would much rather run with the ceramic and should I get hit, be able to bounce back and move quickly to cover.

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